Jiangsu Highstar Battery Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.
Vendor Registration
Vendor Registration
Procurement cooperation
You can contact us through the following methods. Before contacting us, please prepare the following materials and send them to the relevant email.
If you have any questions, you can call the following relevant phone number for consultation. Thank you very much for your trust in us, and we express our sincerest gratitude!
Procurement Department Material Group

Contact person: Ms. Zhu

Phone: 17361759866

Email: zhuyuanyuan@highstar.com

Procurement Department Equipment Group

Contact person: Mr. Zhong

Phone: 13381819541

Email: zhongl@highstar.com

Procurement cooperation
You can contact us through the following methods. Before contacting us, please prepare the following materials and send them to the relevant email.
If you have any questions, you can call the following relevant phone number for consultation. Thank you very much for your trust in us, and we express our sincerest gratitude!
Survey Evaluation Form
Procurement Department Material Group

Contact person: Ms. Zhu

Phone: 17361759866

Email: zhuyuanyuan@highstar.com

Procurement Department Equipment Group

Contact person: Mr. Zhong

Phone: 13381819541

Email: zhongl@highstar.com

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